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Project management involves organizing information, tasks, resources, and people to accomplish a goal.

A knowledge base provides the storage space for the data, information and knowledge used in planning for an effective project. The knowledge base is the organized experience of the user(s) of the system and can facilitate bringing knowledge from past projects to bear on each new project.

The Personal Knowledge System is an attempt to provide the individual a tool to organize the information of interest to that person. Each person will find a particular set of knowledge useful is solving the problems of interest to that person. No two knowledge bases will be identical.

While the underlying tool imposes no particular structure to the knowledge base, the Personal Knowledge System is built with a knowledge framework implicit in its operation.

Information is entered into the knowledge base in a textual format. Normally, in complete sentences as would be used in spoken communication to another person, written in correspondence to another person, or as written to be retained for future reference by the author of the information.

Knowledge Based Solutions developed the Personal Knowledge System (TM) and the Business Knowledge System (TM) to support project management knowledge bases and project tracking.

If you know of knowledge bases which would be of benefit to project managers, please use feedback to suggest their URL's for inclusion on this site.

Send mail to webmaster@KwBSolutions.com with questions or comments about this web site.
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