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Human kind has been collecting information needed to solve problems for a long time. In the beginning, there was a lack of information and a great deal of time was spent trying to discover information. Today, there is a vast amount of information available and people spend a great deal of time trying to learn about what is already known and trying to determine if the known information is useful to solving the particular problem at hand. In order to improve the efficiency of this process, human kind needs to publish and organize the known information.

The world wide web is the focus of a great deal of effort toward this goal. At the current stage of development, more progress has been made with publishing than with organizing. The users of the web still find a vast array of information but a limited amount of organization.

The Personal Knowledge System is an attempt to provide the individual a tool to organize the information of interest to that person. This information resides in the knowledge base of the individual user. It can be organized to meet the needs of that user. Each person will find a particular set of knowledge useful in solving the problems of interest to that person. No two knowledge bases will be identical.

Knowledge Based Solutions developed the Personal Knowledge System (TM) to allow a person to build their own knowledge base and support organizing links into the world wide web.

For businesses with a need to share one or more Knowledge Bases among multiple individuals for concurrent use, Knowledge Based Solutions developed the Business Knowledge System (TM).

Links to other Knowledge Management solutions:

NOTE: Links to other sites in no way represent an endorsement of the products or services provided by the owners of those sites.

If there is sufficient interest, links to major sources of information can be added to this page. Please use feedback to suggest URL's to add or topics which would be of benefit.

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