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About the Knowledge System

The Knowledge System began in 1960 as an idea: that one day everyone on the planet could share information using an electronic network connecting personal computers. In 1960, there was no world wide web and there were no personal computers.

This Knowledge System would allow anyone with knowledge they would like to share to tell the system and anyone who wanted to know something could ask the system. Today that idea is reality.

The author of the Knowledge System of products studied electrical engineering, worked for IBM and built the foundation for the current Knowledge System in models and simple prototype systems using components available at the time starting in 1952.

Human interaction with knowledge has a long history. Passing information from one person to another has taken many forms and has seen constant improvements. From a design standpoint, the human brain is the best knowledge tool in existence. For communication of knowledge from one person to another there is a hierarchy of storage media available.

Today much information is still contained in non-computer based storage media: stone tables, pamphlets, books, magazines and paper based records of all descriptions. For computer based records, there is a storage hierarchy from the large amount of material in large central libraries to the material within arms reach of the individual.

The purpose of the Knowledge System is to provide an aid for the individual human brain. A knowledge tool to extend the memory of the brain about the vast amount of knowledge and information now available and a way to enhance the effectiveness of the brain to relate one piece of knowledge to another to solve problems and understand the world around us.

The Personal Knowledge System was formally announced in 1997. This was followed by the Research Knowledge System, the Student Knowledge System, the Family Knowledge System, the Business Knowledge System and the General Knowledge System.

Each product addressed a special need for knowledge gathering and sharing.

As things get more complex there is a need to simplify. Today there are only two products on the Knowledge Base Solutions' web site: the Personal Knowledge System and MyKnowledgeBase. Both products provide the full range of functions available in the former applications. MyKnowledgeBase combines the Personal Knowledge System with a sample Knowledge Base extracted from the author's personal collection of information and knowledge collected over a life time.

Both products provide the base and the tools to allow everyone to connect to the World Wide Knowledge System envisioned by the author in 1960. This system does not replace the many other knowledge tools available today. It does provide an unique tool for the self directed peer to peer sharing of information and knowledge using the Internet and personal computers.

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